RBAC has been about its business! 1,913, 1,054 and 614 are the number of bank transactions, bill payments, invoices, and receipts, respectively, that RBAC has operated and managed since its internal Operation takeover in 2020. This also includes the advancement of RBAC’s core accounting financial system in 2021. And we cannot forget new and improved financial reporting to the Board of Directors to effectively show budget to actuals and month-over-month, plus year-over-year developments—all in real time, efficiently.
Collectively, day-to-day operations have been streamlined by a few of the young adults at RBAC and the leadership team. For example, the payroll process that took 2-4 hours per day over a 3-day period to complete (equal to a total of 12-15 hours) might only take 4-5 hours per payroll run over a 3-day period—an extraordinary 67% improvement, plus software and advanced technology learning.
What is more, long are the days of manual mundane operations. RBAC has capitalized its accounting framework to a digital platform from handwritten checks to automated clearing house (ACH) and system generated mailed checks. This means that RBAC doesn’t have to write or mail anything if it chooses not to; though RBAC can still provide handwritten checks if requested or needed; we call it flexibility. In addition, grant expenses and income tracking are a part RBAC’s revolutionary developments, in addition to a Board selected CPA firm to periodically review and validate the safeguarding of monetary assets such as the donations we receive from all of you, which we are grateful for your consistent support.
To end, the progress of the young adults and the leadership teams have been remarkable, fulfilling and enjoyable. Specific youth roles are currently accounts payable, accounts receivables and even payroll timesheet administration both on-site and off-premises. In fact, one of the youths from Rainier Beach is attending a HBCU in Atlanta, Georgia with a concentration in Finance, yet this young adult still makes a solid contribution directly in the financial system for reporting and other relevant bookkeeping functions. Another young adult is eager to confirm their knowledge and growth at RBAC with Professional Development program options through local community colleges and universities.
RBAC is excited for more to come so that we can continue to concentrate and focus on the programs that have a positive impact on our communities instead of ambiguous administrative tasks that slow us down to do so for far too long as a result of prolonged, excessive and undeserved treatment, historically. So, way to go RBAC, lifelong learning is at the helm, let’s keep going and stay tuned for more.