This is my goddaughter Taylor, and the fella holding Taylor is me, Gregory Davis, I work at RBAC and for the Rainier Beach neighborhood. Taylor attended the Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting this past Saturday (April 20) on Open Space. It was held at South Lake High School (shout out to Kelly and Anita). RBAC hosted the Rainier Beach Town Hall On Open Space with the support of Rainier Beach A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth, Communities of Opportunity and Kresge Foundation’s FreshLo Initiative. While seeing Taylor was exciting for me the really exciting occurrence was me learning that before Taylor came to the Open Space Town Hall, she went to dance practice and attended a Multi-cultural Health Fair. Taylor takes dance lessons at Northwest Tap Connection, which is across the street to the east from where the Town Hall was occurring and the Multi-cultural Health Fair was being held across the parking lot to the north at the Rainier Beach Community Center. RBCC this year will be celebrating its 10th year as a newly built facility. Shout out to Tiffany Jordan.
The point is before 12:00 pm Taylor’s parents had her working on a strategic health-oriented trek in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. Do you realize the significance of this? While social media trolls bad mouth this neighborhood (see the tweet from Mayor Durkan’s latest visit to RB, Rainier Beach is providing for the well being of its residents at a high level despite its underinvested in history. Anyway, the RB Town Hall on Open Space was a fun and informative event. We invited open space projects underway in Rainier Beach and twenty attended. National class artistic performances were offered by the Rainier Beach Dance Studio, Northwest Tap Connection, Rell Be Free and Gigi White. RBAC Beautification Brigade project was announced. Teens will team up with RBAC and other neighborhood stakeholders such as students and schools, businesses and their customers, moms dads and their children) to overcome the litter problem that exists in Rainier Beach…Stay tuned!
Below you will see our standard announcement of where the Corner Greeters and Farm Stand Fellows will be this week you will also see descriptions of the projects featured at the “Open Space” Town Hall. Let us know what you think. We’d also like you to venture a guess as to the total dollar value of all the projects listed below combined. Does that dollar amount represent investment that Rainier Beach has been looking for, for those that live here now or does it represent an investment that will contribute to current residents (40% Asian, 35% African American, 17% White, 7% Latina 1% First Nations, 1% Pacific Islander) being pushed out
See you in the neighborhood and say hi to Taylor when you see her…