Inspiring Involvement, Building
December 2013 RB Tickler


Greetings!If you want to know what’s going on in Rainier Beach?….continue reading, however this will be the last RB Tickler you receive from Constant Contact.  We have transitioned our e-newsletter to Veritical Response.


 Rainier Beach SnapshotsHealthy Food Healthy Industry


Lower Mapes Creek Restoration Project

– Following some unanticipated delays, we can now share with you the following updated schedule for the Lower Mapes Creek Restoration Project and related 52nd Ave. S. CSO Reduction Project. The construction contract has been awarded to MidMountain Contractors. The current construction schedule is as follows:* The Notice to Proceed was issued to MidMountain on December 5, 2013


* Onsite construction expected to begin January, 2014

* Construction complete by October, 2014 *

* Plant establishment through September, 2015*

* Date depends upon the construction of Mapes Creek channel in Beer Sheva Park. The Mapes Walkway is expected to be closed from mid-March through July, 2014.

For more information contact Mike Eagan, SPU Communications, 206.233.7171


Healthy Food

Planning for A Rainier Beach Food Innovation Center is underway, intended to be located at the MLK and Henderson intersection.

The Center will:

  • Increase Community access to healthy food representing Rainier Beach’s multicultural population
  • Offer community building through preparing and eating food
  • Leverage transit infrastructure to catalyze investment in Rainier Beach
  • Create living wage employment opportunities in Rainier Beach
  • Provide ‘one stop shopping’ for employment development services, skills building, and community resources
  • Shall be a ‘front door’ to the community – providing ease of community access
  • Will Support/sustain existing community assets/local businesses
  • Builds partnership and mutual support of partner organizations through co-location and collaboration
  • Include and reflect deep and broad community engagement, and the services provided will respond to and work with the diversity of the community

Program Elements may include:

  •  Covered market at front door
  • A Flea Market along Henderson which would be a unique activator
  • Café should be Family-Friendly and have play areas, or a museum,
  • Café should be respectful of local culture (eg no alcohol service at specific times)
  • The day care concept resonates and should be expanded – what might demand look like for 24/7? Is there the potential for “double usage”? for example: Goodwill model has shifts 24/7 and full scale childcare to accommodate those working during the day.
  • Halal/Kosher kitchens
  • Rental freezer/cold storage space
  • Can the Oromo Center/other Cultural community centers be integrated into the planning? Cultural groups presence at this facility is critical
  • Discovery center can provide information about local organizations and businesses
  • Facade on MLK and Henderson – Potential for startups, retail windows (business incubators)
  • Computer Lab – Computer literacy – labels and business cards production could be upstairs or main level
  • Multicultural bakery in café
  • Co-packing/small-scale processing – there is lots of demand, and not much supply in Washington State – is this something to consider at this facility? Does this type of facility need too much space for what we are considering for the center?
  • Good to maintain the flexibility of space and different kinds of kitchens
  • Computer lab or work space both downstairs and upstairs
  • More micro retail on the street
  • The storage space, particularly freezer storage, needs to be reviewed to ensure it is accurate
  • Have access to some storage at mezzanine levels from ladders
  • Carts will be required to move stuff from storage to kitchens
  • A team needs to look at the actual layout of the kitchens
  • Kitchens might have different stations for different users (sweet vs. savory)

For more information contact: Kristin Ryan, Jonathan Rose Companies, , 206.501.2160, Cell: 917.796.2742


A Beautiful Safe Place

Public Safety

This is an overview of some of the public safety initiatives in Rainier Beach.

The Campus Safety Team will take a proactive, prevention-oriented approach through multiple disciplines to increase the safety and well-being of its Rainier Beach residents (youth and adults). Our focus will revolve around evidence informed strategies to include, but not limited to, Increasing Supervision and Structure, Changing the Physical Environment, Re-visiting policies or rules and enhancing Collective Efficacy in support of public safety at and around the Rainier Beach Community Center. A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Review conducted by Mark Solomon, Crime Prevention Coordinator, provided a security survey as a public survey using CPTED principles. As a result of the report Parks staff (Tree Crew, Ground Maintenance staff, etc.) have since up limbed trees to expose existing lighting and increase the sightlines around the Rainier Beach Playground and Playfields. We are also working diligently to increase surveillance in and around the Rainier Beach Community Center. The next meeting will take place on January 8 and will then occur every first Wednesday of the Month until June from 10am – 11:15am. For more information contact Jeron A. Gates, Acting Planning and Development Specialist. Seattle Parks and Recreation, (206) 255-4051,


Byrnes Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Grant also known as – Rainier Beach: A Beautiful, Safe Space for Youth. The project is actually one of eight across the country that has received a Federal Byrne Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The project’s goal is to identify and holistically address the root causes of youth victimization and crime at five hotspots within the community (Rainier and Henderson being one), through non-arrest interventions. It utilizes problem solving road maps using a data-driven, evidence informed approach. For more information contact Barb Biondo, Senior Project Coordinator, at 206-322-6134 or .


Seattle Police Department Update – Violence Prevention Emphasis Patrol (VPEP). John Hayes is the new South Precinct Captain but we want to thank Carmen Best, now Assistant Chief, for the support and leadership while at the South Precinct in forming the Campus Safety Team. We also want to welcome Acting Operations Lieutenant Steven Strand and look forward to his leadership. SPD will continue to support the campus by providing additional VPEP in the area for the remainder of the year (Bike, Traffic, Gang Unit, etc.). For information – Community Police Team
 (206) 386-9180; South Precinct Burglary/Theft and Juvenile (206) 386-1855; South/Southwest Liaison Attorney Melissa Chin – (206) 233-2020; South/Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention, Mark Solomon – (206) 386-9766