Much of what you find here should be familiar, although a few rough edges remain to be ironed out.
The major intent of this revision is to make it easier to share information as soon as it becomes available and to enable more people to participate in the conversations and activities that are shaping the Rainier Beach neighborhood.
And so we will continue our exploration into some of the newer “social media” tools such as Twitter for getting the word out, almost in real time, while also increasing our capacity for gathering, storing and exchanging information in a way that everyone can find what they need to know, at the right level of detail, at the right time to make a difference.
For we believe the more we all know about the great things that are happening, as well as the major challenges we face, the easier it becomes for each of us to discover the specific ways we can take part.
Watch for additional updates on the specific changes on this site, as well as on other tools to be developed soon. For now, please feel free to wander around a bit. Let us know what’s working, not working (or even just not spelled right!), and feel free to share your own comments on any topic, announcement, or report, or even suggest topics for discussion in the Open Forum area.