SEED and the Rainier Beach Merchants Association (RBMA) is holding a focus group meeting with organizations and residents of Rainier Beach to discuss ways to improve the business district. This could be through safer streets, sidewalk repairs, or activating spaces. The goal is to share ideas but also put together action items we all can realistically support, in these financial times, over the next few years.
We will use the Rainier Valley Gateway at Rainier Beach Pedestrian Plan, developed by SEED and RBMA, to start the discussions. If you would like to view the plan, visit the SEED website.
- Event: Rainier Beach Focus Group Meeting
- Date: November 16, 2010
- Time: 9:00 am
- Location: Lake Washington Apartments
Please RSVP to Gloria Ramirez, 425.443.7649 or
Questions? Feel free to contact Pat Chemnick, 206.760.4261 or