It’s official. The osprey population of Rainier Beach has grown by at least two, so like, congratulations proud Mama Rainier and Papa Henderson, and welcome Clover and Dale! These two can be seen peeking above the south rim of the nest in the featured image, with proud parents—Rainier at the left and Henderson at the right—watching.
It’s difficult if not impossible to tell the gender of young ospreys, who will bear “necklaces” like mom until their adult plumage comes through. They’re basically beak and bones with a few straggly wing feathers, but enjoying a terrific—one of the best—views in the Beach! With fresh fish from nearby Lake Washington served daily, they’re absolutely living the high life.
Amid the darkest times, new life abounds. And between the vegetable gardens and farm stands and healing circles and Feed the Beach and clean ups and “bashes” and the other annual wonders of the summer springing up across the neighborhood like two new ospreys, Rainier Beach is genuinely a Great Place for Everyone!
Thanks, and hopefully we’ll get a chance to catch them in flight training sometime in August, or maybe even while they’re on a fishing expedition!