Wanna meet some neighbors, hear about Rainier Beach’s community-led public safety programs, and learn how to get involved? On September 21st at 6:30pm, Rainier Beach Action Coalition will be hosting an online Neighborhood Safety Deep Dive for people who live, work and play in Rainier Beach. Email PBIS@rbactioncoalition.org to receive a calendar invite or click this meeting link at 6:30pm on September 21st to join the meeting.

As a preview of what we’ll be talking about…

Here’s 3 simple things you can do everyday to help us make Rainier Beach “a beautiful safe place for youth.”

  1. Give kudos, and be specific! Let people know when they’re doing things you appreciate. Use their name and be specific, because studies show that when we tell others exactly what it is that we appreciate, they’re more likely to keep it up. Try this next time… Say ‘Hey ___________, I appreciated [when/how/they way] you were ____________ because __________. 
  2. Say ‘hi’ to your neighbors, especially your young neighbors. It makes all the difference when we know the people around us, doesn’t it? A connected community is a safe community. 
  3. Take pride! Every place sends a clear message about what’s OK and not OK to do there. We can encourage others to respect our neighborhood spaces by taking care of them. 

Imagine if everyone in Rainier Beach did these three simple things everyday. What an incredible community we’d be!

For more, join us at the upcoming Neighborhood Safety Deep Dive at 6:30pm on September 21st. Email PBIS@rbactioncoalition.org to receive a calendar invite or click this meeting link at 6:30pm on September 21st to join the meeting.. Hope to see you there!