It’s time for the Rainier Beach Back2School Bash!
- Date: Saturday, August 21, 2010
- Time: from 12 to 4 pm
- Location: Beer Sheva Park behind Rainier Beach High School
Join us; combine your energy with others in our great neighborhood to inspire students about education in Rainier Beach. Our children are worth it!
Please see the attached Back2School Bash Flyer and Volunteer Form to see how you can be a part of the action. Planning meetings are occurring each Tuesday through August 17th at Emerald City Bible Fellowship Church – 7728 Rainier Avenue South, 6:30 p.m.
All are welcome particularly those of you who intend to volunteer.
RB Back2School Bash event goals are:
- Provide 600 students with celebratory activity for a day
- Provide 600 students with basic school supplies
- Convene over 30 neighborhood social service providers through a resource fair
- Involve at least 2 distinct ethnic-cultural groups and three churches with planning and event attendance
- Provide 500 families access to social services, resources and an opportunity to celebrate education with their children.
- Bring 1200 richly diverse neighborhood residents together and build community
- Help “build membership” on behalf of Rainier Beach Steward Group
- Share plans and recruit people for the neighborhood plan update
- Introduce 3rd Annual RB Awards
- Involve 80 volunteers to help the event succeed.
- Add elements to this year’s Back2School Bash that compliments the four other events occurring that day Rainier Valley Heritage Parade, Broadway Bound production “God Lives in Glass and Rainier Health and Fitness Centers Move-A-Thon and Empire Night Spoken Word.
I am processing a form to submit as a community resource participant in the Back to School Bash event on Saturday August 21st.
Here is a link for a great PowerPoint presentation on Parent Engagement with Dr. Constantino.